McCloud River CRMP

In the late 1980’s the McCloud River was recommended for Wild & Scenic designation. Opposed to protections, commercial forest land-owners in the region adopted a Coordinated Resource Management Plan (CRMP) to avoid regulatory constraints, yet comply with mandates to maintain a vital McCloud River. McCloud CRMP continues to meet annually. Though not signatory, MWC participates in CRMP meetings to stay updated on river and forest issues in the McCloud watershed, and represent public perspectives in a forum driven primarily by private interests.

Village Responder

Village Responder is a collaboration to take the lessons learned from one community’s experience and create an organised training that brings the depth and accessibility of a WFR together with the unique needs of a medically resource-poor environment. The goal is to empower communities and individuals to become strong, self-reliant and take responsibility for their own medical wellbeing. Through the International First Responder course, Village Responder is changing lives and strengthening the social fabric in villages of all shapes and sizes, worldwide.



SGMA & Citizen Science